A .CO domain transfer can involve a transfer from one registrar or reseller to another one; or from one registrant (or legal entity) to another one.

If you decide you want to sell, give away or otherwise assign the rights to your .CO domain name to a third party, you will need to transfer the domain name. The same is true if you are dissatisfied with the services of one registrar and wish to switch your account to another one.

You can only transfer your .CO domain name through a registrar or reseller. The .CO Registry cannot help you to transfer your domain names directly.

To perform a transfer to another registrar, you must have an Authorization Code (Auth-Code). Auth-Codes are passwords for domain names to add an extra security measure to help to ensure the identity of the person or entity making the transfer request. .CO Internet can not directly provide or confirm Auth-Codes for your registered .CO domain names, please contact your registrar for this information.

The following rules apply to transfers of .CO domain names between registrars:

  • Transfers are not permitted within the first 60 days of registration
  • Transfers are not permitted within 60 days of a previous transfer
  • Successful transfers will result in a one-year domain name renewal registration.

Please check with your selected registrar or reseller for specific or additional transfer policies.

Period domain names. For information on your Sponsoring Registrar, please see the .CO WHOIS to look up your specific .CO domain name.

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